
Health Literacy Research and Practice

Health Literacy Research and Practice (HLRP) is the official journal of the Institute for Healthcare Advancement and is a forum for the dissemination of high-quality behavioural and clinical research.

It is an interdisciplinary and international open-access publication dedicated to promoting excellence in research and practice to advance the field of health literacy, promote health equity, and reduce health disparities. You can read their articles here.

Short e-learning module for pharmacists on health literacy and communication.

To support community pharmacists to use health literacy tools and techniques an eLearning module on health literacy was developed and tested by community pharmacists

It includes simple tools for pharmacists to use to check that people have understood the information they have been given over the phone or face to face.

You will need a TURAS Account to access this.



Near Me resources for BSL Users

Near me have added some useful information and resources which BSL users may find helpful.

They encourage the use of Google Chrome voice to text function and here is a case study of how it has been used.

They have also developed a BSL Near Me video, which helps callers understand about the platform

Also many boards and health services have enabled the use of interpreters on Near Me.  This means an interpreter can join the consultation and provide support during the call, this includes BSL interpreters.

There is also an easy read leaflet available which provides information about Near Me appointments and a Near Me information leaflet for children and young people

Making it easier: a health literacy action plan 2017-2025

Making it Easier sets out an action plan for improving health literacy in Scotland.

Knowledge translation strategies for dissemination with a focus on healthcare recipients: an overview of systematic reviews

While there is an ample literature on the evaluation of knowledge translation interventions aimed at healthcare providers, managers, and policy-makers, there has been less focus on patients and their informal caregivers. Further, no overview of the literature on dissemination strategies aimed at healthcare users and their caregivers has been conducted. The overview has two specific research questions: (1) to determine the most effective strategies that have been used to disseminate knowledge to healthcare recipients, and (2) to determine the barriers (and facilitators) to dissemination of knowledge to this group.

Getting it right the first time report of FNP

Understanding and supporting the information  needs of disadvantaged young first time mothers.

Public report for UK Economic and Social Research project ES/L012634/1

International handbook of health literacy

Health literacy addresses a range of social dimensions of health, including knowledge, navigation and communication, as well as individual and organizational skills for accessing, understanding, evaluating and using information. Particularly over the past decade, health literacy has globally become a major public health concern as an asset for promoting health, wellbeing and sustainable development.

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence.

Towards an equitable digital public health era: promoting equity through a health literacy perspective

Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat, Kristine Sørensen
European Journal of Public Health, Volume 29, Issue Supplement_3, October 2019, Pages 13–17
Published: 18 November 2019

It's okay to ask

This leaflet produced by NHS Inform provides useful tips and questions that patients can ask during health care appointments, helping them play an active part in care and treatment.

Source: NHS Inform – It’s OK To Ask

Postcard for use at events/training

This postcard resource offers information for health and social care on health literacy and asks people to identify actions they will take and further information they would like following a health literacy session or discussion.

Source: NHS Education for Scotland (2015)

History of health literacy in Scotland

A blog article by Christine Hoy from the Health and Social Care Alliance on the history of health literacy in Scotland. This blog discusses the policy context of health literacy and its links to long term conditions such as diabetes.

Access to Healthcare

Healthcare information for migrants is available on the NHS Inform website.

Access to Healthcare – GP Registration cards have been designed to support anyone who needs to register at a new GP practice. You can download printable versions of the cards by clicking the following links.



The first is a business card which sets an individuals rights to healthcare in Scotland.  It also provides contact information for NHS Inform and the Patient Advice and Support Service.

The second card is a larger, six sided ‘Z card’ which provides the same information as above, as well as more detail including reference to the recently revised Charter of Patient Rights and Responsibilities and NHS 24.

NHS Z card

You can download and print the Access To Healthcare – GP Registration Card – Z Card leaflet using the link below.

NHS bus card

You can download and print the Access To Healthcare – GP Registration Card – Business Card using the link.

This is what you told us about communication

To know a bit more about people’s experiences of healthcare we asked volunteers from a local patient group in NHS Tayside to speak to us. We were interested in their personal experiences of different types of communication with healthcare providers. In particular we wanted to know what they thought was done well and what could have been better. We have captured some of what they told us in the video “This is what you told us about communication.”

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